Sunday, August 24, 2008

Aroma Therapy - Alternative Medicine of the Future!

These days, many people are turning to more natural and organic methods for the cure and treatment of many different illnesses as well as psychological well being. Aroma Therapy is an ancient method of energizing, healing and relaxing used by countless cultures worldwide. Aroma Therapy is one of the fastest growing alternative medicines in the world today, and for good reason: it works! Imagine being able to heal, energize and relax through the use of all natural methods? Aroma Therapy is the way to go if you are looking for a more organic way to treatment any medical or psychological ailments. At the base of Aroma Therapy lay the essential oils. In a nutshell, the essential oils are extracts from various plants. They are extracted using various methods such as steam distillation, cold expression, or fixed oil and alcohol extraction. Many essential oils can be combined for an increased effect. This is known as the synergy of oils. In order to dillute a certain oil to decrease it's potency, you can mix it with carrier oils. Aroma Therapy oils are great for improving mood and relaxing or energizing the nervous system (depending on the desired effect of the oil). Some immediate side effects of this include an increase in healing and a decrease in stress levels. In addition to that, many oils have been known to have anti-fungal, anti-viral, and anti-septic properties and are found in household cleaning products. Aroma Therapy oils are a great way to enjoy many extremely healthy and mood enhancing side effects! Don't you think it's about time you looked into Aroma Therapy for all the great physical and psychological benefits it offers? I think so too! Want to reduce stress? Want to improve mental alertness and mood? Want to experience increased healing and a stronger immune system? Aroma Therapy is the alternative medicine of the future! There are so many proven benefits to using Aroma Therapy oils that it's hard to believe that more people don't use this proven, ancient treatment. Aroma Therapy really is the wave of the future when it comes to self healing. Just think about the benefits and what they can do for you! More energy and focus: Put that extra energy to use in whatever way you want! Whether you want to excel in your career, hobbies and favorite past times, or just enjoy more time with family and friends! Improved healing: How many times has a bad cold or other sickness kept you from work? Kept you from doing your daily chores and kept you bed-ridden, unable to do the things you want? Aroma Therapy is a great way to jump start your immune system and improve your body's natural ability to overcome sickness! Decreased stress: Anyone can benefit from decrease in stress levels. With the high stress world we live in today, anyone and everyone gets stressed out sometimes. Aroma Therapy can relax you and calm you down after a long day. Get the relaxation and peace of mind you deserve! Well there you have it! If this isn't enough evidence to convince you to give Aroma Therapy a try, I don't know what will! The proof is there and the benefits (both physical and psychological) are proven. No wonder millions of people around the world have been reaping the benefits of Aroma Therapy for generations! It works! NOTE: We are not doctors or professionals in this field. Any information found on this website is NOT medical advice and should not be attempted prior to consulting trained medical professionals. We are not responsible for any misuse of information posted on this site. Aromatherapy - Facts and Information

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Why Should You Register As A Patient?

Online doctor search websites has made the task of locating the best doctors easy. No longer is it required for you to personally visit various hospitals, dispensaries, and clinics to find out doctors who specialize in the disease and condition you are into. How to find a doctor? Finding a doctor is as easy as finding your favorite music album over the Internet. All you need is to visit a website that offers doctors� search facility and start searching. Different doctors search sites offer different services. For example, some sites will allow you to search according to specialties, some sites according to locations as well as specialties, while some will allow you to search by location, specialties, and name. In other words, more detailed a website easier for you to find a doctor. Most doctors search website allows only doctors to register themselves and make their names searchable in the website, while patients simply have the facility to search for registered doctors. Here, the effectiveness of any website depends on the willingness of doctors for more business. It often happens that a patient may not be able to find a particular specialist. This may be either due to unavailability of specified doctors, or inability of the patient to search. Whatever may be the reason, it is the website that is at a loss. This is where patient registration helps. When a patient registers with a doctors search website, his details are automatically stored in a database. There are a number of advantages of registration; some sites keep patients updated about new registered doctors, while some sites even inquire about the wellbeing of patients regularly. Some doctors search website also give special offers and discounts to registered patients, using which they can save substantially. Patient registration is necessary; however, doctors search sites must realize that the registration process should be simple. Many sites focus on intricate details, making the registration process a complex and confusing one. Hence, the onus is on making an easy patient registration process�website owners can easily get the details personally from registered patients. Myself webmaster of deal in catering services to find a doctor, find a physician, rate doctors, rated doctors, featured doctors and other health medical services

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Dangerous Mercury Levels in Vaccines as of 2007

Mercury Poisoning in Vaccines As of 2007 the current type Mercury used in 6 major vaccines in America is called thimerosal, an organic form of Mercury, and here are the facts concerning it. The Mercury Vaccine Facts: A 0.1% solution of thimerosal is used. A 0.5 cc dose contains 25 mcg of mercury Water Contamination = 2 Parts per billion. Toxic Waste = 200 Parts per billion. EPA Allowable Fish = 700-1000 Parts per billion. 0.5 cc Vaccine = 50,000 Parts per billion (�Dr. David Ayoub, M.D.) Vaccines have 250 times more concentrated deadly mercury than pure toxic waste, and since it is injected straight into the body rather than cleaned out through the body�s protection mechanisms in the digestive tract, we're talking about beyond mercury poisoning. According to many expert medical witnesses & court findings it is beyond negligence. After countless lawsuits against vaccine makers, tying them to a long list of diseases such as Autism, all but one manufacturer (the largest one) has been put out of business. Last year Bush Executive Order 10789 was put into place that protects this vaccine producer from being sued for any well proven injury injecting this poison has caused. Yet according to the FDA�s report in Nov. 30th 2006 on Thimerosal in vaccines, America still needlessly uses Thimerosal in 6 major vaccines. There are a lot of myths out that vaccines have cured the larger diseases, propaganda put out by Rockefeller family who owns 99% of the vaccine industry, as well as much of the oil companies they use to make the pills out of. There has been no proven benefits of vaccinations, and many times people still get polio, hepatitis, small pox, measles, mumps and every other disease even after they were vaccinated for it, this is a medical fact! However the real proven cure has been the removal of improper pesticides such as DDT from farming. Banned around the world, but not in the United States That might explain why thimerosal was nearly eliminated in many countries 20 years ago. In 1977, a Russian study found that adults exposed to ethylmercury, the form of mercury in thimerosal, suffered brain damage years later. Studies on thimerosal poisoning also describe tubular necrosis and nervous system injury, including obtundation, coma and death. As a result of these findings, Russia banned thimerosal from children's vaccines in 1980. Denmark, Austria, Japan, Great Britain and all the Scandinavian countries have also banned the preservative for children. Most adult vaccines throughout Europe still contain thimerosal. In America this so-called �preservative� is approved to continue to be used up until the year 2010. (Note: this is not medical advice. You should always consult a doctor about medical issues, and there are many good reformed ones out there) Stephen Knott is a writer for The Christ's Assembly Online

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Pagan Medicine: Then and Now

A time will come when our children's children will look back upon the age of "modern" medicine of the 21st century as paganistic witchcraft, foisted upon ignorant masses of people. May God rightly judge those who corrupted His ministry of healing and killed His children. When one compares today's modern medicine with that of the medicine practiced by ancient Egyptians, a remarkable similarity unfolds. The Egyptian Papyri, discovered in Thebes about 1862, furnish medical prescriptions issued in Egypt about 1552 B.C. Listed among the ingredients are -lizard's blood -Moisture from pig's ears -animal fats -excreta from humans, animals and insects -drugs (1) For example, to cure embedded splinters, worms' blood and asses' dung were applied. Such a practice had to result in a heavy toll of death from lockjaw, since dung is loaded with tetanus spores. (2) By Contrast, the neighboring nation of Israel enjoyed relatively good health. Their nation was a Theocracy (ruled by God). God promised the Israelites they would not suffer any of the diseases that afflicted the Egyptians, if they observed His commandments.(3) In light of the fact that Moses was instructed in all the wisdom of the Egyptians (Acts 7:22), it is amazing none of the Egyptian treatments for illness show up in the Pentateuch. (4) And there is good reason. The health laws God laid down to the Israelites, i.e. sanitary disposal of excrement, washing and use of running water, isolation and quarantine, dietary regulations, cleansing after touching the dead, have all stood the test of time. However, when tomorrow's historians investigate the written modern medicine medical record of the 21st century, what will they find? They will find medicinal ingredients, not unlike that of the ancient Egyptians. -Pus from sores of diseased animals -Horse serum -Calf serum -Fecal matter -Urine -Unwashed physician hands -Poisonous drugs The record will also reveal these "modern medicines" had about the same results as the ancient Egyptians, and did nothing to advance healing. As a matter of fact, they will learn the use of these substances advanced disease at the expense of untold human suffering and death. (5,6) Fortunately, not every modern day physician subscribes to modern day pagan medicine. Dr. Robert Mendelsohn, M.D., an ardent foe of modern medicine wrote; "I no longer believe in modern medicine. I believe that despite all the super technology and elite bedside manner, the greatest danger to your health is the doctor who practices modern medicine. I believe that Modern Medicine�s treatments for disease are seldom effective, and that they�re often more dangerous than the disease they�re designed to treat." - Dr. Robert Mendelsohn, M.D. When you consider the modern day medicine apparatus is directly responsible for one of every three deaths, (7) Dr. Mendelsohn is right. I believe there are others, men and women like Dr. Mendelsohn who will rise up to restore dignity, honor and holiness to the ministry of healing. They will rise up and overthrow the pagan form of medicine we know today as modern medicine. I believe a time will come when our children's children will look back upon the age of "modern medicine" of the 21st century as paganistic witchcraft, foisted upon an ignorant peolpe. May God rightly judge those who corrupted His ministry of healing and killed His children. References: 1. S.I. McMillen, None of These Diseases, 1963, 11-24 2. Ibid #1 3. Exodus 15:26 4. The first five books of the Hebrew Bible; Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy. In the Jewish tradition these are the Torah, the law of the covenant. 5. Diseases caused by medications include collagen vascular disease produced by blood pressure medications, and Cushing's syndrome produced by prolonged cortico-steroid use. The New England Journal of Medicine has published several studies linking cancer chemotherapy to the later appearance of new malignancies. New England Journal of Medicine. 1990; 322: 1-6 6. Parkinsonism is caused by the neurological side effects of anti-depressants or anti-psychotic medication. A Harvard Medical School study showed that drugs were the real cause of the original symptoms in 37 per cent of elderly patients who were treated for Parkinson's disease. L-dopa, the medication used in treating these patients has its own severe side effects, that often require the use of additional drugs to control., American Journal of Medicine. 1995; 99: 48-54 7. Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA), Vol. 284, July 26, 2000 Jim Lynn is the author of The Miracle of Healing in Your Church Today: